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Turn Laptop Into Wi-Fi hotspot Without Any Software

Turn Laptop Into Wi-Fi hotspot Without Any Software

Most of the internet users use Modem to connect to the internet but sometimes we need to share our internet with others and then we try to download some software which creates a portable hotspot but most of the software are fake and they don’t work. So today I write this article `Turn Laptop Into WiFi hotspot without any software` and this article will surely help you.

So Let`s Start converting Laptop Into WiFI Hotspot.
Follow the below steps to create a WiFi hotspot  for sharing Internet Connection.
  • Open CMD and then copy the code given below and paste it in CMD and press enter.
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=SandwichBite key=Sandwich1234
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    “Don`t forget to replace SSID and Key to your own desired name , SSID is the name of Wi-FI network and Key is the password. Example SSID = Your Name.”
  • Now  Hotspot is ready but Internet Sharing is not configured, so now we will configure Internet Sharing Settings.
  • Go To Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Centre > and then right-click your internet connection that you to want share  and select Properties.
  • Click on sharing tab and then activate the 1st options after that click on ok button.
  • So the Wi-Fi hotspot is now ready to use.
  • When you want to stop Wi-Fi hotspot just open CMD and paste this line and press enter, Wi-Fi hotspot will stop.
“netsh wlan stop hostednetwork”
Now you are aware of the steps on how you can turn on Wi-Fi hotspot and turn it off.
Final Words.

Final Words

After Writing this post I feel that this may have helped thousands of Internet users and if you will search Google about this topic , you will never find about them because these method is founded by me and if you have better methods  you can post comment and suggest me .! Rest this post is the only post on all over the internet about turning laptop into Wi-Fi hotspot without using any software and i am not sure that now , in the meantime , someone has copied it !:p
and At last i want to give thanks to my gentle readers for reading this and if you face and confusion in this post you can clear it by posting comment below :) and  I shall try to reply as soon as possible.

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