increase website traffic in 2016 (16 Secret ways )

Hope you are doing well. I am going to share some secret ways to increase website traffic in 2016. These secret ways works for me and I am going to share these secrets with you. I know that as a newbie blogger and website owner you don’t get much traffic in starting. It happens with every new blogger. We have to be patient and keep doing our best. One day you will get that you deserve. Use these secret ways to increase your website traffic I am sure it will work for you.
16 Secret ways to increase website traffic:
Update Content Regularly:
As a blogger it’s important to be regular in updating your blog with new content every day. Readers came to your blog for the information that you provide. And if you will not update your blog regularly your blog reader will not come regularly to your blog.
Try to post content on daily bases
so that when users come back to your blog they must find out something new to read there. It will also help you to make a good impression on user, so be regular in updating content for your blog.Focus more on long tail Keywords:
Getting traffic from Search Engines is the biggest problems for new bloggers and business websites. But using right On Page SEO techniques can help you with that. When I started my blog I focused more on long tail keywords. And I got top page ranking for most of the long tail keywords on Search Engines. It’s really difficult for new websites to get indexed in top pages of SERPs for keywords which have high searches and competition.
Using long tail keywords with low competition can increase the websites organic traffic
.Be active on Social Media:
Social Media sites are the best and
important platform to increase website traffic
. It’s becoming a necessary part of Internet Marketing for last few years. You can’t think promoting and creating awareness about a business without making presence on social media networking sites. There are many social networking sites which can drive traffic to your website. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, StumbleUpon, Pinterest and LinkedIn
are some of them. These social sites are contributing in driving traffic to my website. These social media sites can increase your website traffic dramatically within few months. If you haven’t tried social media yet, then you must give a try it worth it.Post Comments:
Comment posting is the
trending way to increase website traffic and creating quality backlinks
. It’s becoming popular now and it’s easy to work on. Comment posting give results much faster than other Online marketing strategies like Directory submission, Bookmarking and posting articles etc
. If you are a blogger then this will help you with interacting with other bloggers from different niche.Participate in Online forums:
It’s another trending off page SEO strategy that can help you in increase website traffic and creating Backlinks for website. You can choose or find out forums related to your website niche to discuss things on forums. Create you forum profile impressive and participate in discussion as much as you can.
Advertise your website online:
If you have a budget for increasing website traffic then you can go with
online adverting agencies to promote your website
. Run you website ads to get traffic from search engines and also from other platform as well. If you are looking for to get traffic from search engines then Google Adwords Tool will be the best for you. You can run text, display and video ads with Google Adwords. Google Adwords will show your ads on Google’s Search Result Page and on their ad publishers’ website.Social Bookmarking:
Social Bookmarking is an Off Page SEO technique to drive traffic to websites. Bookmarking sites can also create backlinks to your websites. Social Bookmarking site allow you to share you blog posts, business and products.
Guest Posting:
Guest blogging is defiantly the
best way to increase website traffic right now
. In Guest blogging you have to post your articles on someone else website. And in that post you can create Backlinks to your website. This will help you to drive traffic for the website where you have submitted you article. It also helps you and your website to create brand awareness. There are numbers of blogs that allow guest blogging, you can try out some.Online Questions & Answers:
Participating in
online question and answer communities
can also help you in bringing more traffic to your blog. Yahoo and Quora are the most popular online websites for Q&A. You can use Q&A website for different purposes like driving traffic, creating Backlinks, promoting your products, creating awareness, clearing customers’ doubts and getting feedbacks
. For using these Q&A websites you need to create an account there and then you can start asking questions and giving answers.FB ads:
We all know the power of Facebook as a social media network. Facebook is a good platform for
marketing your business and driving traffic
to websites for free. It also allows us to run advertisements to promote a website and business pages. The best part is that it allows us to select our audience by our self. It means that we have the authority to select to whom we want to show our ad and don’t. And it’s the best part of Facebook ads. Because of this Facebook ads are much targeted then others. It’s easy to run Facebook ads.Email Marketing Campaign
Running Email Marketing campaign can increase your website traffic. You
must have an Email Subscription section on your website
. Once you have decent amount subscribers for your website you can run an email marketing campaign by sending bulk mails to your website subscribers. It’s important because all subscribers how have subscribed to your website are interested in your content. And when you will send your marketing or promotional mail to them the chances of visiting the website will be higher.Make Website Faster:
Having a website that load faster is always a plus point for every blogger and business. Websites which load faster have more
chances to rank higher in the SERPs
than websites which take time to load. In simple words, search engines like Google prefer to index website on top which is faster
and doesn’t take much time to load. Fast loading websites are also better to have from user point of view. If you are managing your website under wordpress then you can make your website faster by making some simple changes and adding plugins to your wordpress site. Invite Guest Bloggers:
Not only posting guest blogs on others website drive traffic but allowing guest bloggers to post their content on your website can also increase website traffic. Having guest bloggers on your website will
increase your website content and increase your keywords
list to rank on search engines.Use good On Page SEO:
Good On Page Optimization allow your website to get traffic from search engines. Good on pages SEO include well optimized Title, Description, Keywords, text formatting, alt tag, URL and good use of heading tags. If you can optimize your website content then the half of your work it done. But if you don’t know then you must learn this.
Stumble Upon:
Stumble Upon a well known name of social media networks. It’s good medium to drive traffic to your website. Stumble Upon is the third best social media network right now for me. I am getting around 10% of my website traffic from Stumble Upon. It’s really working for me for driving traffic. It allows you to share you blog posts and you can follow people and interested topics to get notification from those topics.
Blog post sharing websites:
As new blogger I found that if you want to increase web traffic you should share your content as much as you can. Because as many people notice your content the more traffic you will get and if you don’t share your content, no one will even notice your website and content. You can use social media, directories and bookmarking for that. I found
blog post sharing community websites
more effective for sharing your content. These community sites allow you to share you content or blog with other bloggers at one place. Sharing your blog there help you connect with other bloggers and webmasters.Thanks for reading this article hope this article helps you. Please give your feedback and suggestions in the comment section below. Have fun & keep smiling 

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