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Stop Watching Porn On Your Smartphone : 15 Reasons

Internet pornography has immense traction in India. With more people connecting to the internet via smartphones than PCs, adult content is now served in the form of apps. There are tons of porn apps available on Google Play and not to forget the countless websites Android users visit every day.
Watching porn is something totally personal and there are no legal restrictions in the country. However, here are few reasons as to why one should avoid viewing porn on your primary Android smartphone and tips to avoid the wicked cyber-tricks.
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1. It can lead to unwanted subscriptions leading to unwanted charges.

1. It can lead to unwanted subscriptions leading to unwanted charges.
No matter how much careful you are, you cannot protect certain porn sites to activate unwanted VAS subscriptions on your phones.

2. Massive security risks.

2. Massive security risks.
Android smartphones are synced with your gmail id and if you got your banking app in your phone, you may put it to a great risk by watching porn.

3. Displaying Fake Version Of Different Apps.

3. Displaying Fake Version Of Different Apps.
Many tickers may get activated, if you watch porn on your smartphone. It shows face versions of various apps and one may fail in distinguishing the difference and clicking any of those means downloading trojan.

4. You can get ransomwares

4. You can get ransomwares
Porn sites may put ransomware in your device. They may lock down your phone or encrypt data that requires a decryption code.

5. Cyber criminals

5. Cyber criminals
If your phone has underwent a lockdown due to Ransomware, cyber criminals may ask for a ransom in exchange of the required code.

6. Malwares

6. Malwares
Not all porn sites are dangerous, many of them are very legitimate. Smartphone lack several critical protection that desktop PCs have. Smartphones have the inability to differentiate between a legitimate site and a site that has malware.
7) It leads to illegal VAS subscriptions
Porn is mostly free. However, it can actually prove to be something really costly. Popular porn websites in an attempt to jack up profits are restoring to illegal VAS subscriptions. This means the moment you visit a particular website on your Android smartphone, a VAS subscription automatically gets activated in the background.
Subscriptions like Juiceup packs, horoscope, Dream girl packs, etc with a monthly or daily charge automatically gets activated. The value is usually small to avoid the attention of the user, like Rs 5 per day or Rs 35 per month.
So, if you are losing mobile balance without your knowledge and consent, send an SMS by typing “STOP” to 155223 and follow the instruction to deactivate such “services”. This is a toll free number allotted by Trai.
The best workaround is to opt for airplane mode and switch to Wi-Fi to visit porn websites. Avoid mobile internet at all costs.
How to deactivate unknown VAS packs on your smartphone

8) Attracts more porn tickers
Porn tickers are an irritating age-old problem with Android. These come as a fake version of a legit Android app. Like if you watch porn on an Android mobile and then head on to the Play Store to download popular games, porn tickers will disguise themselves in the form of Temple Run, Hay Day, etc. So, if someone taps on it without going through the credentials, they are basically downloading a Trojan.
It is always advisable to browse porn in incognito mode with “Do not allow websites to track” feature on in the browser. Clear cache frequently and do not download apps without checking the credentials.
Mobile, ransomware pose big cyber threats: Chris Young, senior vice-president, Intel Security
9) Huge security risk

Browsing porn on an Android smartphone which has your primary Gmail ID along with the banking app is a huge risk. The security and privacy of that particular Android phone is totally on the attention and interest of any cybercriminal.

10) Ransomwares
Nothing is actually free online. There’s a payload for everything either in the form of cash or data. Ransomwares are sophisticated malware which locks down a device completely and then blackmails the user to pay up to unlock. Ransomwares are on the rise and it is very serious issue. Everything on the device is at the mercy of that rogue cyber geek. And there is no guarantee that he will unlock the phone even after receiving payment. Rogue porn websites have mastered this already.People who watch porn by making online payment are tracked by many fraudsters. This type of blackmailing is called as Ransomware. Sometimes when a person visits an unknown website, a new pop up window occurs on the screen and locks the computer. Following which, the person has to make some payment through online, then only he/she gets a password to access the computer. There is no guarantee that despite paying the amount your phone will be unlocked. It is like a double edged sword. So be very careful.

11) Child Pornography

Watching child pornography can put you in big trouble as hackers can easily store such porn material on your system. In such cases you can land up in jail as the evidence will only be against you. Many still can get away if they are doing it in cyber-cafe. However, there will be no relaxation on your smartphone. It is very easy for the enforcement agencies to track the source.

12) Online Hacking

There are many companies, which are on a daily basis tracking, so that they can know which type of advertisements they can post for you. Most of us have syncronised our banking services, e-mail IDs with our smartphones. It becomes very easy for cyber criminals to overpower your personal data through your mobile log in. However, by deleting cookies and opting for private browsing can save you from online hacking. But that too cannot ensure a sure safety measure.

13) Forced Or Unwanted Paid Services

Adult content providers all the times are looking for opportunity to activate unwanted services mobile phones such as chat, SMS, premium SMS, WAP, location, etc to push their content to mobile consumers. Sometimes these services get activated in the background without your knowledge while you open a porn site. You have to be very cautious about what services are activated on your smartphone.

14) Porn Ticker

Not only the service provider, but the apps one downloads and the people who are tracking the browser are in knowledge of your activity on mobile. This not only gives rise to security concerns but also dupes you at times. So when you are viewing porn on your smartphone. Porn tickers or fake version of mobile phone apps might appear on your smartphone. These face app could anything between gaming apps, health apps or entertainment apps. For all you know you might fall into their trap.

15 )Some preventive measures.

Some preventive measures.
Make sure use sites that you trust. Your smartphone will be quite safe if you don’t use it for watching porn though. Don’t click on any of the ads displayed on the porn sites.

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